Nein Weil Wir

Ruhr Ding Ariane Loze 6071
Ruhr Ding Ariane Loze 6081

When young, the world appears to be open and a reordering of things not only necessary but actually possible. However, it is often resignation that comes to prevail in old age, replacing noble ideals. We remember this time of Sturm und Drang with a mixture of melancholy and amusement, shaking our heads over the naivety of once believing that we could change the world. Based on the linguistic codes that every generation reinvents for itself to signal a desire for innovation and revolution, the Belgian artist Ariane Loze (*1988) imagines a quick-fire exchange of generational views in her video installation. She permits differing voices to compete against each other: ones indulging in memories of better times, ones who have already surrendered to conformism, and those who are full of idealism and a yearning for change.

In the purist aesthetics of her films, the Belgian artist combines conceptual expression with literally handmade execution. Ariane Loze produces every aspect of her films herself. She develops dialogues in situ by improvising, as an actor, different characters in interaction with the location. Employing simple cinematic means, such as static shots and the use of simple tricks, in her other roles as a cinematographer and editor she succeeds in creating an instantaneous narrative.

In cooperation with Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen.


The installation Nein Weil Wir was developed as part of Ruhr Ding: Territorien and was on show from May 4 to June 30, 2019 in the former Europa-Palast cinema in Oberhausen.

Ruhr Ding Ariane Loze 6071 Artist ©

Ariane Loze

Ariane Loze’s video works are, from beginning to end, self-produced in the spirit of a one-woman show, in that she plays all the roles herself, being the camerawoman as well as lighting technician.