Another Weekend

Ruhr Ding Stefan Marx Dortmund 6636
Ruhr Ding Stefan Marx Dortmund 6620
Ruhr Ding Stefan Marx Dortmund 6617

In his works, Stefan Marx often captures everyday observations pictorially and typographically. Not infrequently, he draws on statements from conversations or song quotations. In connection with the places in which his drawings are found at the Ruhr Ding, new contexts of meaning emerge from the quotations. Another Weekend is emblazoned in large letters on the facade of a house in Dortmund – a reference to the song of the same name by the American singer-songwriter Ariel Pink. In the hamster wheel of the omnipresent achievement and pleasure society, this promise is like anticipated disappointment at the same time: "Another weekend out of my life, And I can shake off my worries, Another weekend I can't rewind, Another day not working for me." In the life routines of most people today, the weekend takes on an almost meaning-giving function. Weekend means freedom, literally free time: free from work and the associated workday duties. Beyond the anticipation of the weekend rehearsed in the monotony of everyday life, the saying resonates with a melancholy regret and a feeling of being stuck and running away at the same time: Last but not least, life seems to pass by incomparably faster in the constant succession of acquisition and leisure. Weekend again – how time flies!


Another Weekend was developed as part of the exhibition Ruhr Ding: Territorien and was on view in Dortmund from 04.05. to 30.06.2019.

Stefan Marx Nils Müller Artist ©

Stefan Marx

For Ruhr Ding, Marx is creating various black and white murals on facades that are located in each city involved in Ruhr Ding: Territorien.