An extensive communication programme accompanies the exhibition on weekends, Ascension Day and Corpus Christi during the entire period. During the Irrlichter-Tours, our trained art educators set out together with the visitors to explore the Ruhr Ding. Walking and bike tours link the different venues and allow visitors to discover the various districts in which they are located. They invite visitors to see the art projects in a new light, to get to know new districts and rediscover familiar ones, and to discuss what they have seen.
You can bring your own bike or rent one. Bike rental stations will be located near the train stations in Mülheim an der Ruhr and Witten. Of course, you can also explore the exhibition on your own. On site you will meet our competent colleagues from our art education team. Information on how to prepare for the exhibition can be found online, on site at our info points in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Essen-Steele und Witten, and in the exhibition guide, which is available in advance.
The outreach programme Irrlichter-Tours is supported by E.ON Stiftung.
- Festival
The Irrlichter-Touren project took place as part of Ruhr Ding: Schlaf from 05.05. to 25.06.2023.
Irrlichter-Tour durch die Nacht
We will cycle through Witten at night and explore the artworks in the exhibition Ruhr Ding: Schlaf at night. This unique tour is not only suitable for first-time visitors, but also offers those who already know the works a new view of the artistic positions. In the evening light of night, the enchanted Schwesternpark, the luminescent octopus and the abandoned pumping station on the Ruhr develop a very special atmosphere that can also broaden our view of the respective works of art.
Before and after the tour, there is the opportunity to take part in the Long Film Night at Café Leye at the end of the exhibition Ruhr Ding: Schlaf.
The tour is free of charge!
Meeting point: Café Leye, Bahnhofstraße 13, 58452 Witten, Germany
Participants: max. 12
Registration by email to, or by phone on 0170 3712866
Rental bikes can be provided by Revierrad for a rental fee of 10,-.
Irrlichter Tour for FLINTA*
With our FLINTA* tours, it is our aim to create a site for safe conversation and exchange on the artworks found in Ruhr Ding: Schlaf, and to move through public space strengthened by the group. Which discourses arise when we look at the themes of these artistic positions from a FLINTA* perspective?
The only requirements for participation are an interest in art in public space and an enjoyment of bicycling or taking walks, as well as one’s own self-classification as FLINTA* (female, lesbian, interbinary, nonbinary, transgender, and agender)
Meeting point: Infopoint Saalbau Witten, Bergerstraße 25, 58452 Witten
Duration: about 2 Stunden.
Registration via