Molding and candle workshop with Malte van der Meyden

Kerzenworkshop 1 Sabrina Weniger c THE DORF
Kerzenworkshop 2 Sabrina Weniger c THE DORF
Kerzenworkshop 4 Sabrina Weniger c THE DORF
Kerzenworkshop 3 Sabrina Weniger c THE DORF

"I have a special fascination for materials that we encounter every day, not because they are particularly beautiful, but because of their practicality."
Malte van der Meyden in an interview with The Dorf

In his work, conceptual designer Malte van der Meyden deals with form-finding processes and the handling and perception of objects and materials that we encounter every day. In the workshop he invites the participants to get to know his practice of molding: With found objects from the surroundings of the Healing Complex, the workshop participants make their own molds, from which candles are cast in the next step. The collected objects are thus given a completely new form and function as candles.


Healing Complex
Cranger Straße 338-342
45891 Gelsenkirchen


  • Saturday
    13—18 h

    Molding and candle workshop with Malte van der Meyden

  • "I have a special fascination for materials that we encounter every day, not because they are particularly beautiful, but because of their practicality." Malte van der Meyden in an interview with The Dorf

    In his work, conceptual designer Malte van der Meyden deals with form-finding processes and the handling and perception of objects and materials that we encounter every day. In the workshop he invites the participants to get to know his practice of molding: With found objects from the surroundings of the Healing Complex, the workshop participants make their own molds, from which candles are cast in the next step. The collected objects are thus given a completely new form and function as candles.