Ivan Moudov

UKR Wandersalon8 Flughafen DO 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 6833
UKR Wandersalon8 Flughafen DO 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 6825

Many of Ivan Moudov's works deal with the structures of the art world, its principles of inclusion and exclusion, and reflect on the power relationship between art and politics. In particular, Moudov repeatedly makes the situation in his home country Bulgaria a subject of discussion; among other things, he claimed the opening of a Museum of Contemporary Art (MUSIZ) in Sofia in 2005 with great press coverage. Hundreds of interested people came. Faced with an empty station building, however, they had no other choice
than to discuss the fact that there was no such museum instead of the new opening. To this day, the contemporary art scene in Bulgaria is extremely isolated: There is a lack of structures, promotion, institutions and international exchange. With Dortmund Airport as the venue, we deliberately chose a transit location that plays a major role in labor migration in the Ruhr region, but which at the same time – utopically speaking – could also be a place of exchange.


The Wandersalon Ivan Moudov was organized in Dortmund as part of the mobile discourse format of Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Ivan Moudov Daniel Sadrowski Artist ©

Ivan Moudov

When Ivan Moudov announced the opening of a Bulgarian museum of contemporary art in a Sofia train station hall in 2005, 200 guests came – and waited in vain.